Daria Veronese
Studied Latin and Greek Literature at college in Rome. She went on to study Literature at Rome university "La Sapienza", where she got her degree.
Then she won three different scholarships: in October 1996 in Assisi, in April 1997 in Todi and in May 1997 in Perugia.
From 17 to 20/11/1996 she was a public speaker at the European Conference "Theatre, Defiance and Therapy Integration of disabled people in Amateur Theatre" organized by Iata-Europäische Zentrum in Lingen.
She has written many plays, the most important of which are:
- March 1997 - "Tekna kama, figli e sangue. L‘infanzia degli Atridi" (Tekna kama, sons and blood. Atridi's childhood) based on texts by Eschilo, Aristotele, Omero, Gellio, perfomed at the Roman theatre in Ostia Antica and at the International Festival in Portovenere;
- August 1997 - "L'amore è femmina" (Love is female);
- October 1997 - "Quell'antica festa crudele" (That ancient cruel party) about the war between Sant'Oreste and Civita Castellana in 1523;
- October 1998 - "Tixi and Moxo, a colourful adventure" an interactice children's show;
- April 1999 - "At the Circus" from "Romeo and Juliet" by W. Shakespeare for the university in Cassino;
- May 1999 - "La forza della magia" (The power of magic) from the "Comedy of the Art";
- August 2000 - "Parole tra le pietre" (Words between stones) based on texts by Omero, Virgilio and Ovidio;
- June 2004 "Il dono di Hitler, Terezin 1941-45" (Hitler's present, Terezin 1941-45) in collaboration with the city of Rome and the Jewish community;
- June 2005 - "Audizioni" (Auditions), a fusion between opera and theatre;
- March 2007 - "Ricordi del Carnevale romano" (Memories of the Roman Carnival), in collaboration with the the city of Rome;
- May 2007 - "Recita fantastica alla corte del principe Ruspoli" (Fantasy play at Prince Ruspoli’s court) with the collaboration of the city of Rome;
- March 2008 - "Un amore di marmo" (A marble love) with the collaboration of the city of Rome.
She has translated the following texts:
- May-June 1996- translation of "Elena" by Euripide, perfomed with the university "La Sapienza" in Rome;
- January 1997 - translation and adaptation of "Good night, sweet prince" from the "Hamlet" by W. Shakespeare;
- December 1997 - translation and adaptation of "Matrona quaedam..." from texts by Petronio Arbitro, G. Boccaccio, Sabatino degli Aurenti, Ruzante;
- May 1999 - translation and adaptation of "Anfitrione" by the Latin author Plauto;
- June 2000 - translation and adaptation of " A midsummer night’s dream" by W. Shakespeare;
- 2002-2004 - translation in Roman dialect and adaptation of the play "Cielo e bastonate" by Angelo Beolco, called Ruzante.
Daria also acted in the Greek tragedy "Elena" by Euripide (1996) and in the medievil Laudes "Planga la terra, planga lo mare" (1997), director Marco Brogi.
In 1996 she was assistant director of M. Brogi in the theatre and opera play "La sera dei vizi, la notte dei delitti" by Pergolesi and F. Pona.
In 1999 she was assistant director of R. Gandini at the Roma theatre in "Verso Roma" by G. Manfridi; then Daria was director of "Ionescamente" by E. Ionesco and she won the Awards "Best Costumes" and " Best group interpretation" at the theatre Quirino in Rome.
She is director and teacher at the drama schools in Rignano Flaminio (Roma), in Civitella San Paolo
(Rimini), Civitella d'Agliano (Viterbo) and Prima Porta (Rimini).
Daria is director at the opera and drama school at the Theatre De Filippo in Rome; since 2004 she has been director of a Drama Workshop, organized by the Council of Rome, at the Institute Leonarda Vaccari in Rome.
She founded with the director Marco Brogi the cultural association "CAPSA International" to promote teathrical performances in Rome.